Blaaahhhh...And, it's hard when I lose track of time with this guy:
It may be a good thing. Randy knows how easily stressed out I get. Thx boo.
April 1 is on the sneak :) I cannot wait. I can start my count-down for summer time!
I definitely prefer early summers. Hopefully I get the mentor job for Fall 2010 - Gotta pay those bills. School bills...Serrriously.
Not that it'll suffice, but anything will help. Hahaha.
Now, I'm just rambling. Gotta stay up to register for my classes.
"You should really take photography."
"Graphic design!"
BLAAAHHH BLAHHH BLAHHH! I just wanna drop nursing sometimes, ya know?
Travel travel travel travel travel somewhere BESIDES the United States of America. Let's go to GREECE, please ;)
Good night :)