Thursday, December 24, 2009

Worth it

Spent the day with people I can easily laugh with :) Thank you Kaci, Cooky, Jr, Kelvin, and Bobby for a good afternoon. Last minute Christmas shopping at Victoria Gardens. Expensive movie tickets purchased to watch The Blind Side. Sandra Bullock is probably my top three of fave actresses. If I had to rate:

1) Cameron Diaz
2) Anne Hathaway
3) Sandra Bullock

For those who haven't seen it, get off my blog and head to the nearest theatre. Definitely an uplifting film.

Tonight, I finally watched Slumdog Millionaire. I know...I'm like a year late, but better late than never? I am so inquisitive when it comes to watching movies. Thank goodness for the pause button on the remote.

Last night, I watched 500 days of summer. It's clever and true. Whenever we assume a scenario; our expectations are so much greater than what actually happens. That's why, for the longest time, I always abided by the saying: "Expect nothing and you won't get hurt." But, I've learned to think otherwise. Thank you, Randy :)

Tomorrow, (technically today)- I'll be climbing at Threshold. Find me.
2010 is nearing. My hopes for next year: 100% trust in God. I find myself looking at all the wrong places for all the right answers.


1 comment:

  1. we watched The Blind Side with the fam the other night and it was def one of sandra's best. really hope she gets her first oscar!

    yea, you're hella late with slumdog, but it's up there as one of my faves :)

    happy new year, niknik!


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