Monday, July 13, 2009


I finally had the opportunity to use my Canon sd750. I was a bit tired of lugging around my 50d, so- i put to good use my point and shoot, and took pictures of what's been happening. Enjoy :)

The sky was the perfect blue, and the wind was just right on our 22ndMo. together: So, we pulled out a blanket and chilled at Hulda Crooks Park :)

Claim Jumpers w/ my girls. +the guys who aren't photographed. Too busy grubbing.

Heather's first time @ CUE!

Randy's 21stBirthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory.

Tonight was Ladies Night @ ThreshHold, and as usual, the guy to girl ratio was higher. Haha. Mama Dars was able to record my day2 attempt on the Upside-down route. Here's a video of my failed attempt. Hahaha :(

This Friday, I'll get it down. Let's hope. :)

Love you, Mama dars.

Anyway, I'm tired.... Good night everyone. Dream sweetly.


  1. Nikki I'm so glad you made a blogspot! Haha.
    I love your pictures. They make me happy just seeing you in them :D

  2. bahahahah i'm so stupid.
    you've had this for as long as i have, pretty much.

  3. awesome shots, again :)

  4. so happy people like you use canon =)


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